Bedford, Freeman & Worth’s (BFW) Documenting United States History: Themes, Concepts, and Skills for the AP Course

Learning List has reviewed Bedford, Freeman & Worth’s (BFW) Documenting United States History: Themes, Concepts, and Skills for the AP Course. This is a supplemental product to support instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) U.S. History courses. Content is available in print format. The text is a primary source reader and includes a diverse range of primary source documents from each …

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New Review: Perfection Learning’s Of the People, A History of the United States, 3rd Edition

Learning List has reviewed Perfection Learning’s Of the People, A History of the United States, 3rd Edition. This two-volume resource supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) United States History courses. Content is available in print and eBook formats with additional online resources. Instruction focuses on the centrality of democracy to the American way of life, including the struggle to create …

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New Review: Perfection Learning’s United States History, Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination

Learning List has reviewed Perfection Learning’s United States History, Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination. This comprehensive print product supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) U.S. History courses. The text also may be used to supplement core instruction and as a test preparation resource. Instruction provides concise discussions of historical events, issues, and developments, and focuses on teaching students to …

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New Review: Bedford, Freeman & Worth’s (BFW) America’s History: For the AP Course, 8th Edition

Learning List recently reviewed print materials for Bedford, Freeman & Worth’s (BFW) America’s History: For the AP Course, 8th Edition. This comprehensive course supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) United States History courses.  Content is available in print and digital formats and includes additional online resources. Instruction provides a thematic exploration of U.S. history and provides explanations and analyses of …

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New Review: Cengage Learning’s Making America: A History of the United States (Berkin) 7th Edition

Cengage Learning’s Making America: A History of the United States (Berkin), 7th Edition, is a comprehensive resource that supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) U.S. History courses. Content is available in print and digital formats, with additional online components.  Learning List recently reviewed Making America’s print resources. Instruction provides a thematic examination of U.S. history that considers the social, economic, …

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New Review: Cengage Learning’s The American Pageant, 16th Edition

Learning List has reviewed Cengage Learning’s The American Pageant, 16th Edition, which is a comprehensive resource that supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) United States History courses. Content is available in print and eBook formats and includes additional online components. The text provides a narrative discussion of U.S. history focusing on the political, economic, societal, and cultural forces that have …

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New Curriculum Review: Applied Practice in Colonial America

Applied Practice in Colonial America is a supplemental resource that supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) United States History courses. Materials are available in print and eBook formats and focus on preparing students for the AP U.S. History exam. Resources supplement core instruction across the school year by providing activities that may be adapted to meet a range of instructional needs (e.g., warm-ups, quizzes, assessments, test preparation). Learning List recently reviewed the product’s print materials. …[read more]

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