Selection Toolkit & Facilitation Service
Everything you need to manage an efficient instructional materials selection process
Selection Toolkit
Easy-to-use online templates and tools to facilitate an efficient, data-driven adoption
Planning documents help you structure an efficient process
Needs Assessments identify features the new materials must have
Standards-aligned rubrics guide the selection of high-quality instructional materials
Progress monitoring tools keep the process on track
Data reports aggregate and analyze the committee’s responses
Downloading and purging tools protect participants’ privacy
Professional Development
Professional development includes a facilitated, 2-hour courses on developing and/or customizing rubrics, and more
Selection Facilitation Service
Strategic guidance and administrative support to help you run an instructional materials adoption
One-on-one guidance from Learning List staff
Customized rubric(s) and other documents that reflect the district’s priorities
Learning List’s reviews of the materials the district is considering
Data reports that aggregate and analyze the selection committee’s responses
Customized presentation for the school board