New Review: Cengage Learning’s Making America: A History of the United States (Berkin) 7th Edition

CengageCengage Learning Learning’s Making America: A History of the United States (Berkin), 7th Edition, is a comprehensive resource that supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) U.S. History courses. Content is available in print and digital formats, with additional online components.  Learning List recently reviewed Making America’s print resources.

Instruction provides a thematic examination of U.S. history that considers the social, economic, cultural, and political forces that have shaped the country. Content is organized chronologically and integrates five key themes: (1) the nation’s political development, (2) diverse national citizenship, (3) the importance of regional subcultures and economies, (4) the influence of social movements (e.g., Post-World War II youth culture), and (5) America’s relationships with other nations.

Chapters begin with an “American Choices” feature that provides a profile of an individual whose experiences reflect the themes of the period and end with an “Individual Voices” feature that provides a primary source document related to the individual. For example, chapter 12 “Responses to Expansion and Change, 1828-1848” opens with a profile of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the suffragist, abolitionist, and early women’s rights activist and ends with Stanton’s “Declaration of Sentiments” statement on the conditions of women that was presented at the Seneca Falls Women’s Rights Convention in 1848.

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Cengage Learning is a leading educational content, technology, and services company for the higher education and K–12, professional and library markets worldwide. The company provides superior content, personalized services and course-driven digital solutions that accelerate student engagement and transform the learning experience.

Information in this section is provided by or adapted from Cengage Learning.


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