Learning List has reviewed Perfection Learning’s Of the People, A History of the United States, 3rd Edition. This two-volume resource supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) United States History courses. Content is available in print and eBook formats with additional online resources. Instruction focuses on the centrality of democracy to the American way of life, including the struggle to create and preserve the American democracy and how democracy shapes American social and political understandings.
Core content for Volume 1 is organized in 13 chapters that address specific periods in American history from 1450 to 1877. Volume 2 is made up of 15 chapters that address specific periods from 1865 to 2014. Each chapter opens with a striking visual (e.g., painting), an outline of content, a set of “Common Threads” questions that focus students on the chapter’s key themes, and an “American Portrait” feature that provides a short biography of an individual(s) whose experiences embody the period’s themes.
Each chapter includes a “Struggles for Democracy” feature that discusses issues that prompted controversy and debate in the period. Some chapters also have “American Landscape” and “America and the World” features. American Landscape details a particular place and moment in which issues of power come into clear focus (e.g., the growing lifestyle differences between the wealthy and the poor in Philadelphia, 1780-1790). America in the World helps frame events in American history in the larger global context.
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In May 2013, Perfection Learning acquired AMSCO School Publications. For over 75 years, AMSCO has excelled in providing high-quality materials in world languages, science, language arts, ACT and SAT preparation, and more.
Information in this section is provided by or adapted from Perfection Learning.
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