New Review: Cengage Learning’s The American Pageant, 16th Edition

Cengage's The American Pageant

Learning List has reviewed Cengage Learning’s The American Pageant, 16th Edition, which is a comprehensive resource that supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) United States History courses. Content is available in print and eBook formats and includes additional online components. The text provides a narrative discussion of U.S. history focusing on the political, economic, societal, and cultural forces that have shaped the country.

The American Pageant is organized in five chronological parts that begin with early Native American societies (ca 33,000 B.C.E.) and end with contemporary events (i.e., 2014). Each chapter begins with a short quote from a key individual of the period and a brief introduction. Textboxes present short quotes from diverse individuals from the period (e.g., an African American woman describing her experiences in the Jim Crow South, and John F. Kennedy).

Resources include a sets of multiple-choice and short-answer questions formatted to reflect what students will see on the AP exam, including stimulus-based questions. The text includes a section titled “Practice Materials for the AP United States History Examination” that contains document-based questions and long essay questions to help students prepare for the exam.

About Cengage Learning*

Cengage Learning is a leading educational content, technology, and services company for the higher education and K–12, professional and library markets worldwide. The company provides superior content, personalized services and course-driven digital solutions that accelerate student engagement and transform the learning experience.

Information in this section is provided by or adapted from Cengage Learning.


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