Online Professional Development
Interactive courses for district leaders, campus leaders, and teachers
Each course is interactive and takes approximately 2 hours to complete. Individual educators may take any course asynchronously, or the courses may be offered to an assembled cohort of district or campus staff. Contact us to learn more or to schedule a course.
What Alignment Means, Why It Matters, and How to Do It!
Do you sometimes feel that lessons and activities in your materials don’t fully support students in mastering the standards? If so, you are not alone.
Educators and publishers often have different definitions of alignment to standards. Alignment is a term that is frequently used, often misunderstood, and an important skill to master. Having trained hundreds of educators to review the alignment of thousands of PreK-12 instructional materials, Learning List is uniquely qualified to provide alignment instruction.
This two-hour, interactive online course explains what “aligned to standards” means, illustrates why using standards-aligned materials is critical to students’ success, and demonstrates how to verify the alignment of an instructional material.
After engaging in several alignment activities, participants will understand how to:
- Unpack a standard by identifying the three Cs: content, context, and cognitive demand
- Verify the alignment of publishers’ citations to standards, using the specificity of the three Cs.
Workbooks will reinforce the instruction and serve as a reference after the course is over. Learning List will facilitate online discussion and collaboration during the course.
Price: $35/non-subscriber
Mapping Instructional Materials to Your Curriculum
Time for planning instruction is limited, and educators’ plates are more than full. When the scope and sequence of instructional materials are not in sync with the district curriculum, busy educators often follow the material by default, instead of following the district curriculum. This results in a disconnect between the written and taught curricula.
Mapping instructional materials to your district curriculum empowers educators to use standards-aligned content in their instructional materials in support of the district’s curriculum.
This two-hour, interactive online course will explain how to map citations (activities, lessons, and quizzes) in an instructional material to the district’s curriculum units. Participants will understand how to:
- Develop criteria for high quality rubrics
- Create or customize selection rubrics to meet the needs of your district
- Plan for implementation of rubrics for consistency and fidelity
A workbook will reinforce the instruction and serve as a reference after the course. Learning List will facilitate online discussion and collaboration during the course.
Price: $35/non-subscriber

How to Develop or Customize a Rubric for Selecting High-Quality Instructional Materials
Are you planning an instructional materials adoption this year? If so, one of the first steps in the process is to determine which rubric to use.
Do you have a rubric?
If you do, is it specific to the content area you are adopting materials for?
Is it aligned to your state’s standards?
Does it reflect your district’s instructional priorities?
If you answered “No” to any of these questions, this course is for you!
This two-hour, interactive online course will discuss how to evaluate a rubric for quality, and how to develop or customize a high-quality rubric to meet the district’s goals for the adoption. After engaging in a series of activities, participants will understand how to:
- Develop criteria for high quality rubrics
- Create or customize selection rubrics to meet the needs of your district
- Plan for implementation of rubrics for consistency and fidelity
A workbook will reinforce the instruction and serve as a reference after the course. Learning List will facilitate online discussion and collaboration during the course.
Price: $35/non-subscriber