Learning List has reviewed Carnegie Learning’s Integrated Math Series. This is a set of comprehensive integrated mathematics products for high school students in Integrated Math I-III courses. Content is available in print and blended learning (i.e., print and digital) formats. The program focuses on developing conceptual understanding and procedural fluency through collaborative learning experiences. Adaptive online resources support differentiated instruction and self-paced learning. [Read more…]
Carnegie Learning supports collaborative, student-centered classroom environments that encourage student confidence and risk taking. Instruction focuses on developing mastery of mathematical concepts and processes through real-world examples and applications, hands-on activities, and ongoing formative assessment. Mathematical reasoning is developed through problem solving, discussion, and collaborative analysis of solution strategies.
Blended learning is supported through Carnegie Learning’s “MATHia” program. The software individualizes instruction and provides opportunities for self-paced learning. MATHia presents lessons in “Workspaces” that focus on specific content and discrete skills. Each Workspace identifies learning objectives and new vocabulary, and provides instruction through a variety of interactive activities, including direct instruction videos and problem-solving animations.
About Carnegie Learning*
Carnegie Learning is a transformational math education company focused on delivering better math learning to all teachers and students. Through research-proven software, textbooks, and professional development and data analysis services, Carnegie Learning is helping students to succeed in math as a gateway to graduation, college, and the 21st century workforce. Carnegie Learning, headquartered in downtown Pittsburgh, is the sole source provider of MATHia® Software for students in grades 6–12 and Mika™ Software for college students in need of developmental math support.
*Information in this section is provided by or adapted from Carnegie Learning.
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