New Product Review: Universal Publishing Universal Handwriting

Universal Handwriting

Universal Publishing’s Universal Handwriting provides comprehensive handwriting products for grades K-5. Content is available in print format and includes interactive whiteboard tools (i.e., animations). This review is of print materials only. Instruction emphasizes correct letter formation and the importance of legibility. Teacher resources include corrective strategies to address handwriting problems.

Across grades, lessons use a three-stop process that includes: Model and Discuss, Practice, and Self-Evaluate. In Model, teachers model letter formation or use AlphamationPlus whiteboard animations of letter formations. Discussions center on the strokes used to form letters (e.g., undercurves) and students trace letters in the air or on their paper. During Practice, students complete related activities in their workbooks. Students identify their best work in Self-Evaluate and discuss what they did correctly and where they could improve. [Read more…]

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New Curriculum Review: The Center for the Collaborative Classroom Collaborative Literacy

Collaborative Literacy

Learning List recently reviewed The Center for the Collaborative Classroom’s Collaborative Literacy, which was submitted for state adoption in Texas in response to the Texas Education Agency’s Proclamation 2019 call for K-8 English language arts and reading (ELAR) products aligned to the new ELAR Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Collaborative Literacy is a comprehensive reading/language arts product for grades K-5. Resources are available in print and online formats. Instruction emphasizes the social development of upper-elementary students while building reading, writing, and spelling skills.

At each grade level, Collaborative Literacy is made up of three separate resources that, when used together, support 30 weeks of comprehensive instruction in reading and language arts. Each resource is discussed separately below. [Read more…]

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New Product Review: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Into Literature Texas

Into Literature

Learning List recently reviewed Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Into Literature Texas, which was submitted for state adoption in Texas in response the Texas Education Agency’s Proclamation 2019 call for K-8 English language arts and reading (ELAR) products aligned to the new ELAR Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Into Literature is a comprehensive product that supports ELAR instruction in grades 6-8. Content is available in print and digital formats. Learning List reviewed online resources. Instruction develops students’ reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills using authentic texts from a variety of genres.

At each grade level, Into Literature is presented in six units that center on an Essential Question that links reading selections, frames the unit’s theme, and connects to students’ experiences. For example, a grade 7 unit titled “Change Agents” considers the question: “What inspires you to make a difference?” Units address cross-curricular topics such as the Civil War in an eighth-grade unit titled “The Fight for Freedom” and space science in a sixth-grade unit titled “The Terror and Wonder of Space.” Units include literary and informational texts and a set of “Studios” (e.g., “Reading Studio”) that integrate activities in the domains of literacy (i.e., reading, writing, listening, and speaking) as well as vocabulary and grammar.  [Read more…]

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New Product Review: Writing A-Z

Learning A-Z's Writing A-ZLearning A-Z’s Writing A-Z is a supplemental product that addresses writing instruction in grades pre-K-6. Content is available online and includes printable resources. Instruction develops students understanding of the writing process and builds writing skills across a variety of genres, including narrative, informational/explanatory, persuasive, and transactional (e.g., letters) writing. Learning List recently reviewed resources for grades K-5. [Read more…]

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New AP Curriculum Review: National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, AP Edition, Tenth Edition

National Geographic/Cengage's AP Chemistry & Chemical ReativityLearning List has reviewed National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning’s Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, AP Edition, Tenth Edition. This comprehensive product supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry courses. Content is available in print and eBook formats with additional online resources. The course provides an overview of chemical principles and processes, and the real-world applications of these principles and processes in industry, medicine, and the environment. [Read more…]

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New Product Review: Carnegie Learning’s Integrated Math

Carnegie Learning High School Math Solutions: Integrated Math (I-III)Learning List has reviewed Carnegie Learning’s Integrated Math Series. This is a set of comprehensive integrated mathematics products for high school students in Integrated Math I-III courses. Content is available in print and blended learning (i.e., print and digital) formats.  The program focuses on developing conceptual understanding and procedural fluency through collaborative learning experiences. Adaptive online resources support differentiated instruction and self-paced learning. [Read more…]

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New Review: McGraw Hill’s Thrive Powered by Time to Know

Thrive Powered by Time to Know

McGraw Hill’s Thrive™ powered by Time To Know® is a comprehensive, online resource to support English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics, and Science instruction in 1:1 computer-based learning environments. Resources support teacher-led, data-driven instruction in classrooms that integrate technology. Learning List recently reviewed Thrive science resources for grades 6-8.

Thrive presents science content at each grade level in units that address concepts in life science, physical science, and earth and space science. Units open with a video or animation followed by discussion questions that introduce content. [Read more…]

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New Review: DynaStudy’s DynaNotes Math Eligible TEKS Program

Learning List has reviewed DynaStudy’s DynaNotes Math Eligible TEKS Program for grades 6-8. DynaNotes is a supplemental learning aid to support mathematics instruction in grades 3 through Algebra 2. Student resources are in print format and teacher materials are on a CD-ROM. Instruction at each grade level addresses…

New Review: Curriculum Associates’ Ready Florida English Language Arts

Learning List has reviewed print materials for ­­Curriculum Associates’ Ready Florida English Language Arts program. Ready Florida is a supplemental resource for grades K-8 that supports reading instruction and mastery of the Language Arts Florida Standards (LAFS). Materials are available in print format with additional online components. Instruction addresses grade-level LAFS while developing students’ critical thinking skills and understanding of literary and informational texts. …[read more]

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