As the materials adoption season begins, curriculum reviews can save you hours of work. If you are looking at science materials, learn about a science curriculum we have reviewed for middle school.
OpenSciEd Science powered by Kiddom is a comprehensive science program for grades 6-8 and high school Biology. This review is based on the version of the material submitted for state adoption under Texas Proclamation 2024. While the publisher may have developed some content in this version specifically to align to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, the material’s format and features are likely the same as in the national version of the material. Thus, the information contained in this review would be useful to districts in every state.
The material is available in digital format through the Kiddom platform and includes printable PDF materials for students. The goal of the program is to provide a three-dimensional approach to science teaching and learning.
The design of OpenSciEd Science is based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The teacher materials are more strongly focused on the NGSS than the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Lessons are heavily scripted and lengthy. Thus, teachers will need ample time to navigate this material.
Units begin with a storyline and include multiple lesson sets. Lessons require students to explore phenomena, ask questions, conduct investigations to find answers, support their ideas with evidence, and collaborate with others. The materials are text-dense, so students must be able to read effectively.
About Learning List
Read Learning List‘s full editorial reviews and spec sheets to learn more about the benefits and challenges of implementing OpenScieEd Science powered by Kiddom. Our reviews are available through a low-cost subscription. Contact to learn about subscribing to our instructional materials review service for access to alignment, instructional quality, and technology compatibility reviews of more than 3,300 widely used PreK-12 instructional materials and the opportunity to submit additional materials for review at no additional charge.
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Kiddom builds technology enabling teachers and learners to unlock their full potential. Teachers are often constrained by limited access to quality tools or mandated use of ineffective tools that do not meet their students’ needs. Kiddom believes technology should be utilized to close the achievement gap and level the playing field for all students.