McGraw Hill’s Texas Science is a comprehensive science program for grades K-12. The materials are available in English and Spanish in grades K-6 and some content is translated from English to Spanish within the English version of the material for middle and high school. The materials are available in print and digital format and are accessible to students and teachers from McGraw-Hill’s interactive digital platform.
Texas Science is designed around the 5E instructional model. Each lesson presents multiple phenomena, and integrates scientific and engineering practices and recurring themes. Throughout the material, students are required to act as scientists by conducting hands-on investigations, writing about their findings, defending their claims with evidence, and explaining their answers. Consistent instructional routines and strategies throughout the material facilitate implementation.
A variety of assessments are included. Teachers can customize chapter tests and create their own assessments. Strategies specific to the activity and to the students’ English Proficiency Levels support Emerging Bilinguals. The material also provides strategies for first-language support.
Learning List’s editorial reviews and spec sheets provide a multi-faceted look at this comprehensive science curriculum. Contact to learn about our low-cost instructional materials review service. An annual district or publisher subscription provides immediate access to our independent, evidence-based reviews of more than 3,300 PreK-12 instructional materials. Subscribing districts can submit additional materials for review at no additional charge.
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