Scientific Learning’s Fast ForWord® K12 is a digitally-based reading intervention program for students in grades K-12. It is comprised of two primary components, Fast ForWord® and Reading Assistant Plus. The purpose of the program is to support the development of foundational literacy skills and is intended for students who are struggling readers.
Posts about Learning List’s reviews of instructional materials to teach reading
New Product Review: Heinemann Units of Study for Teaching Reading
Learning List has reviewed Heinemann’s Units of Study for Teaching Reading, which is a supplemental reading product for students in grades K-5. The program is primarily a curriculum framework for teachers and is made up of a set of print and online teaching resources. Reading instruction is provided using a workshop model that focuses on creating avid readers who are able to access and understand increasingly complex texts. Teaching Reading dovetails with Heinemann’s Units of Study in Opinion, Information, and Narrative Writing for grades K-5. Learning List has reviewed the Units of Study writing program.
Based on the work of Lucy Calkins and the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project at Teachers College, Columbia University, Units of Study incorporates a workshop approach to teaching reading skills. At each grade level, content is organized in four units that last between four and five weeks. Grades K-2 include a foundational unit as well as three units that address reading fictional and informational texts. Instruction at grades 3-5 is organized in two reading fiction units and two reading informational texts units.
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New Product Review: Istation
Learning List recently reviewed Istation, which was submitted for state adoption in Texas in response to the Texas Education Agency’s Proclamation 2019 call for K-8 English language arts and reading (ELAR) and Spanish language arts (SLAR) products aligned to the new ELAR and SLAR Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Istation is a supplemental reading and writing program for grades PK-8. Content is available in English and Spanish. Instruction is presented digitally and includes printable resources. The adaptive program identifies and addresses gaps in student learning and supports intervention at each Response to Intervention (RtI) tier. Across grades, the program develops vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and word analysis skills.
Istation provides personalized, adaptive instruction in specific reading skills. Students complete the “Istation Indicator of Progress” (ISIP) at the beginning of the year and each month thereafter. Animated characters provide directions for ISIP tasks and examples of how to enter responses. ISIP is available in English and Spanish. Based on ISIP results, the program prescribes specific learning activities and the usage time needed to address individual student learning gaps. As students move along individualized learning paths, instruction adapts, providing more or less challenging content based on student progress. [Read more…]
New Curriculum Review: The Center for the Collaborative Classroom Collaborative Literacy
Learning List recently reviewed The Center for the Collaborative Classroom’s Collaborative Literacy, which was submitted for state adoption in Texas in response to the Texas Education Agency’s Proclamation 2019 call for K-8 English language arts and reading (ELAR) products aligned to the new ELAR Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Collaborative Literacy is a comprehensive reading/language arts product for grades K-5. Resources are available in print and online formats. Instruction emphasizes the social development of upper-elementary students while building reading, writing, and spelling skills.
At each grade level, Collaborative Literacy is made up of three separate resources that, when used together, support 30 weeks of comprehensive instruction in reading and language arts. Each resource is discussed separately below. [Read more…]
New Product Review: Heinemann Primary Comprehension Toolkit
Heinemann’s Primary Comprehension Toolkit is a supplemental product that supports active reading of informational texts in grades K-2. Materials are available in print only. Learning List recently reviewed resources for grades K-2. The Toolkit strives to develop active learners and responsive teachers. Instruction focuses on developing the skills to help young students understand nonfiction texts and retain what they read. Content is not grade specific. Primary Comprehension Toolkit resources may be used across grades K-2.
The Comprehension Toolkit uses the Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) instructional model to support reading instruction in elementary classrooms. In the GRR model, teachers model skills and strategies first and then students practice skills and strategies in guided, collaborative, and independent activities. Toolkit content is organized in 34 cross-curricular lessons that integrate topics from math and science. Lessons are presented in seven separate teacher resources. [Read more…]
New Product Review: ECS Learning Systems STAAR Master Math and STAAR Master Reading
ECS Learning Systems’ STAAR Master Math and STAAR Master Reading are test preparation products designed to prepare Texas students in grades 1-8 for the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) mathematics and reading exams. Content is available in print format. Instruction focuses on problem sets (math) and questions (reading) that address specific Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Problems and questions are formatted to reflect what students will see on the STAAR exam. Learning List recently reviewed “Student Practice Book” resources for grades 3-5.
Student Practice Books in math are organized in four sections that address each of the TEKS Reporting Categories for mathematics (e.g., Geometry and Measurement, Data Analysis and Personal Financial Literacy). Each section begins with the full text of the TEKS for the Category and whether the standard is a Readiness or Supporting Standard. Subsequent content is made up of practice exercises formatted to reflect what students will see on the STAAR exam (i.e., multiple-choice responses). Each exercise includes the text of the TEKS addressed by the problem set and each problem in the set references the specific TEKS it addresses. [Read more…]
New Product Review: Teacher Created Materials TIME for Kids: Exploring Nonfiction
Teacher Created Materials’ TIME for Kids: Exploring Nonfiction is a supplemental product that supports reading instruction in grades K-5. Content is available in print format. Instruction focuses on developing students’ reading comprehension skills using short, Informational texts that address a variety of content areas and student interests. Learning List recently reviewed resources for grade 4.
Exploring Nonfiction’s grade 4 resources are contained in a classroom kit that includes sets of nonfiction text cards addressing topics in math, social studies, science, and language arts. Cards are numbered and color coded by subject area (e.g., green = science). The front of each text card presents a short nonfiction piece, such as an article or letter. The back of each card contains “Comprehension Connection” and “Skill Focus” features, a list of key vocabulary, and a “Writing Extension” task. [Read more…]
New Curriculum Review: American Reading Company (ARC) Core
American Reading Company’s (ARC) Core is a comprehensive, project-based reading, writing, and research program for students in grades K-12. Available in print and online formats, resourcesaddress the instructional shifts of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) (e.g., “Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction”). Instruction is organized in a workshop structure that provides opportunities for whole class, small group, and one-on-one instruction. Learning List recently reviewed resources for grades K-5. [Read more…]
New Product Review: National Geographic Reach for Reading
Learning List has reviewed online materials for National Geographic’s Reach for Reading, which is a comprehensive product that supports language arts and reading instruction in grades K-6. Instruction addresses Common Core State Standards (CCSS) at each grade level and is organized in thematic units that focus on science and social studies topics and emphasize the importance of caring for the planet. [Read more…]
New Product Review: Mentoring Minds Total Motivation Reading
Mentoring Minds’ Total Motivation Reading is a supplemental product that supports targeted remediation and preparation for Texas’ STAAR English language arts (ELA) exams in grades 6-8. Resources are available in print and online formats. Content is organized using a clear structure that focuses on active reading strategies, critical thinking skills, and practice assessments. Instruction supports Response to Intervention programs as well as test preparation. [Read more…]