Learning List has reviewed UTeach Computer Science (CS) Principles. This comprehensive product supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Principles courses. Content is available in a web-based format and may be downloaded as a PDF. Instruction is project-based and emphasizes collaborative learning activities that develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Student materials are available at no cost. [Read more…]
AP Computer Science Principles
New Product Review: CodeCombat
Learning List has reviewed CodeCombat. This comprehensive product supports computer science instruction in grades 4-12, including Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Principles courses. Content is available online and includes printable resources. Instruction is game based and addresses the structure and syntax of computer programming using the JavaScript and Python programming languages. [Read more…]
New Product Review: Texas Instruments 10 Minutes of Code
Learning List has reviewed Texas Instruments’ 10 Minutes of Code. This supplemental online product introduces students to programming concepts and the basics of coding using Texas Instruments’ TI-84 Plus and TI-Nspire™ graphing calculators. Instruction is provided in short, hands-on lessons that may be completed in about 10 minutes. Resources may be accessed at no cost on the Texas Instruments website and support instruction in Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles courses. [Read more…]
New Product Review: Zulama AP Computer Science Principles
Learning List has reviewed Zulama’s AP Computer Science Principles. This comprehensive product supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Principles courses. Content is fully online and includes printable resources. Instruction develops students’ understanding of computer science and coding skills through the lens of game design. The course requires the installation of GameMaker Studio 2 software; GameMaker Studio 2 requires …
New Product Review: CodeHS AP Computer Science Principles
Learning List has reviewed CodeHS’s AP Computer Science Principles. This is a comprehensive, web-based product that supports instruction in Advance Placement (AP) Computer Science Principles courses. Content is presented online and includes some printable resources (e.g., worksheets). Instruction covers the fundamentals of computer science and the how technology influences society. Resources support instruction in blended learning environments. CodeHS presents content …
New Product Review: Harvard University’s CS50 AP
Learning List has reviewed Harvard University’s CS50 AP. This comprehensive product supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Principles courses. Content is available online and includes printable resources. Instruction introduces students to the basics of computer science and computer programming languages. Students use their learning to solve real-world problems that are relevant to them. Most CS50 AP resources are …
New Product Review: CS Matters in Maryland
Learning List has reviewed CS Matters in Maryland. This comprehensive open educational resource (OER) supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Principles courses. Content is available online and includes printable teacher resources. Instruction is inquiry based and focuses on the theme of data. Students learn about internet data; processes for managing, analyzing, and interpreting data; and the use of …
New Review: Mobile CSP (Computer Science Principles)
Learning List has reviewed Mobile CSP (i.e., Computer Science Principles), which is a comprehensive course that supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Principles courses. Content is available online and includes some printable resources. Instruction is project based and teaches the principles of computer science using MIT’s “App Inventor” visual block language. Resources are available at no cost to …
New Review: Cengage Learning’s New Perspectives on Computer Concepts
Cengage Learning’s New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2016, Comprehensive, is a comprehensive resource that supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Principles courses. Content is available in print and eBook formats, and additional online materials are available from Cengage. Learning List has reviewed the course’s eBook and online content. … [read more]
New Review: Cengage Learning’s Invitation to Computer Science
Cengage Learning’s Invitation to Computer Science is a comprehensive resource that supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Principles courses. Materials are available in print and eBook formats, and additional online resources are available from Cengage. Learning List recently reviewed eBook and online materials. …[read more]