Cengage Learning’s Invitation to Computer Science is a comprehensive resource that supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Principles courses. Materials are available in print and eBook formats, and additional online resources are available from Cengage. Learning List recently reviewed eBook and online materials.
Invitation to Computer Science is a survey of the fundamental concepts of computer science, including social and ethical issues. Instruction begins with “An Introduction to Computer Science” that identifies some common misconceptions about computer science (e.g., “Computer science is the study of how to write computer programs.”), introduces the concept of algorithmic problem solving, and provides a historical overview of the development of computer science. Subsequent instruction is presented in six “levels” that structure content hierarchically. Levels begin with short introductions that frame what students will learn and how it relates to prior learning. Each level is made up of one to four chapters that progresses sequentially with concepts building upon one another and increasing in complexity.
Instruction includes hands-on “Laboratory Experiences.” The course’s eBook Lab Manual contains background information; learning objectives; links to downloadable simulation software; step-by-step instructions, or “Exercises;” and accompanying worksheets for each of the course’s Laboratory Experiences. Online resources available through Cengage’s CourseMate LMS include downloadable modules that present background information, detailed programming instruction, and practice exercises for the Ada, C, C#, Java, and Python programming languages.
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*The content in this section is provided by or adapted from Cengage Learning.
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