New Review: National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning’s Voyages in World History

Cengage VoyagesLearning List has reviewed National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning’s Voyages in World History. This comprehensive resource supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) European History courses.  Materials are available in print and eBook formats and include additional online components. The course incorporates the theme of movement, including the travels of individuals, the trade of goods, and cultural shifts.

Voyages in World History covers the periods from the first “modern human behavior” (ca 150,000 B.C.E.) to contemporary events in 32 chapters structured by the unifying theme of movement and travel. Instruction addresses the role of religion in shaping political, social, and cultural history. While Voyages is a world history text, it includes material related to European history.

The text provides the following essays with discussion questions to help students connect themes and develop historical thinking skills:

  • Movement of Ideas Through Primary Sources compares two original sources presenting different perspectives of the same ideas.
  • Visual Evidence in Primary Sources examines a historical artifact, work of art, or image to shed light on what cultures valued and to discover information about people’s everyday lives.
  • World History in Today’s World considers how the events of the past shape our world and why history is relevant to students’ lives.

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Information in this section is provided by or adapted from Cengage Learning.


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