New Review: Cengage Learning’s Calculus for AP

[Source: Cengage Learning]
Learning List recently reviewed Cengage Learning’s Calculus for AP, which is is a comprehensive single-variable course for Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus AB and BC courses. Resources are available in print format and include some online resources. Instruction is designed specifically for AP courses and provides guidance in preparing for and taking AP exams.

Calculus for AP is comprised of ten chapters that present content in a linear and logical manner and focus on the application of calculus to real-world problems. Margin notes throughout the text highlight the use of the Mathematical Practices for AP Calculus (MPACs). Textboxes highlight key theorems and definitions and illustrate how to use technology, such as graphing calculators, to solve problems and highlight the potential “pitfalls” of technology.  Instruction includes “Exploration” activities that present a topic that has not yet been introduced in the text and allow students to discover new concepts and how they relate to the current topic of study. Some chapter sections include projects that provide opportunities for students to work collaboratively and extend their learning.

End-of-section and chapter exercises include problems that reflect the rigor and format of problems on the AP exam. Odd-numbered section and chapter problems have answers provided at the back of the text; tutorial support and completed solutions are available at “” Problems with a QR Code have step-by-step video solutions that may be accessed using a smartphone with a QR Code reader or through “”

About Cengage Learning*

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[Source: Cengage Learning]
Cengage Learning believes that engagement is the foundation of learning… Engagement is at our core and our focus is on engaging with learners, both in the classroom and beyond, to ensure the most effective product design, learning solutions and personalized services – all to help people learn. We understand that an engaged learner is a successful one and we are leading the transition to digital with a unique faculty AND student perspective to transform learning through engagement. Our name itself reinforces this core commitment – “engage” is at the “center” of all we do.

*The content in this section is provided by or adapted from Cengage Learning.

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