Learning List has reviewed print materials for Bedford, Freeman & Worth’s (BFW) Calculus for the AP Course (Sullivan), 2nd Edition. This comprehensive product supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC courses. Content is available in print and digital formats.
Calculus for the AP Course begins with a “Chapter P: Preparing for Calculus” review of functions (e.g., inverse, logarithmic, exponential), sequences, summation notation, and the Binomial Theorem. Core content is presented in 11 chapters that cover limits and continuity, the derivative and its applications, integrals, the techniques and applications of integration, series, parametric equations, polar equations, and vector functions.
Instruction is project-based and focuses on the application of calculus to real-world problems. Each chapter opens with a case study of a real-world problem (e.g., managing a river’s flow) that students will solve when they have completed the chapter. The text provides many example problems with detailed step-by-step solutions, and annotations that describe the mathematical reasoning supporting each step. Examples include problems that illustrate the real-world applications of what students are learning (e.g., constructing a rain gutter).
About BFW*
BFW believes that what happens in the classroom matters, and that a good class, a good teacher, and good content have the power to change the world—one student and one idea at a time. BFW products have long been best-sellers for AP courses. Now, in response to the needs of teachers across the country, BFW offers materials for Common Core, elective courses, and on-level programs aligned to NGSS.
Information in this section is provided by or adapted from BFW.
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