Learning List has reviewed Apex Learning’s Texas Biology—a comprehensive online course for Texas high school students. Resources support instruction in self-paced, remediation, and credit recovery programs. Instruction focuses on building students’ understanding of biology concepts and developing scientific process and communication skills.
Texas Biology presents content in two semesters made up of seven units each. First semester instruction provides a unit that introduces students to biology, including science process skills. Other units cover chemistry, cells, the transfer of energy and matter, and earth’s resources. The second semester covers DNA and heredity, DNA to protein, ecosystems and natural selection, evolution and classification, and human biology. The sixth unit for each semester is a review and preparation for the semester exam and the seventh unit is an introduction to the STAAR end-of-course (EOC) exam and a diagnostic practice test.
Each unit contains a “Doing Science” lesson that develops students’ scientific processes skills through a hands-on Lab investigation in which students collect and analyze data and draw conclusions. Instruction addresses careers in STEM fields and writing activities are integrated throughout the course. Assessment resources for each semester include a diagnostic practice test for the STAAR EOC exam.
About Apex Learning*
Founded in 1997, Apex Learning is the leading provider of blended and virtual learning solutions to the nation’s schools. The company’s standards-based digital curriculum — in math, science, English, social studies, world languages, and Advanced Placement® — is widely used for original credit, credit recovery, remediation, intervention, acceleration, and exam preparation.
Schools across the country are successfully using Apex Learning digital curriculum to meet the needs of students, from building foundational skills to creating opportunities for advanced coursework.
*The content provided here was provided by or adapted from Apex Learning.
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