Learning List has reviewed Apex Learning’s online Texas Algebra I and Texas Algebra II courses. Both courses develop students’ conceptual understanding, computational skills, and proficiency in solving problems. Resources support instruction in self-paced, remediation, and credit recovery programs.
Texas Algebra I s organized in two semesters. The first semester addresses linear equations, systems of linear equations, functions, exponents, and exponential functions. The second semester addresses polynomials, including factoring; quadratic equations and functions; the transformation of functions; and bivariate data. Across semesters, students learn to reason mathematically and to use mathematical models and tools to solve real-world problems. Texas Algebra II’s first semester addresses systems of linear equations; functions, relations, and their graphs; transforming functions; and polynomial functions. The second semester addresses rational expressions and functions; exponents, logarithms, and their graphs; and bivariate data.
Across both courses, students learn to reason mathematically and to use mathematical models and tools to solve real-world problems. In each course, units begins with a short video introduction that frames the real-world applications of what students will learn. Instruction is provided through a set of activities titled “Study,” “Check Up,” “Practice,” “Journal” and “Quiz.” Content includes embedded audio and video files that that engage students and support the instruction in the Mathematical Process Standards. Journal activities allow students to express their reasoning and critique the reasoning of others, and resources to support struggling readers are provided (e.g., strategies to improve reading comprehension).
About Apex Learning*
Founded in 1997, Apex Learning is the leading provider of blended and virtual learning solutions to the nation’s schools. The company’s standards-based digital curriculum — in math, science, English, social studies, world languages, and Advanced Placement® — is widely used for original credit, credit recovery, remediation, intervention, acceleration, and exam preparation.
Schools across the country are successfully using Apex Learning digital curriculum to meet the needs of students, from building foundational skills to creating opportunities for advanced coursework.
*The content provided here was provided by or adapted from Apex Learning.
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