English I and II focus on developing reading, writing, and critical thinking skills through the study of a variety of literary and informational texts. The first semester of English I covers the short story, fiction, poetry, and the novella, and the second semester addresses drama, rhetoric, and science fiction. English II covers prose, elements of fiction (i.e., setting), literary criticism, the research paper, practical documents (e.g., formal letters), persuasive writing, speech, and argumentation. English III addresses American literature and is organized chronologically, spanning the American Revolution to contemporary writing and the media. Similarly, English IV presents chronological coverage of British and world literature from Homer’s Odyssey through contemporary writing (e.g., Beckett) and the media.
Across courses, students learn to write for different purposes, including explanatory, argumentative, analysis, and research-based essays. Each course provides tools to help struggling readers, such as embedded prompts ask students to respond to what they have read. Prompts provide example responses and a field for students to write their comments.
The first semester covers the American Revolution through the rise of Modernism after World War I. The second semester covers the Great Depression to contemporary writing and the media. Across both semesters, students learn to write for different purposes, including explanatory, argumentative, analysis, and research-based essays.
About Apex Learning*
Founded in 1997, Apex Learning is the leading provider of blended and virtual learning solutions to the nation’s schools. The company’s standards-based digital curriculum — in math, science, English, social studies, world languages, and Advanced Placement® — is widely used for original credit, credit recovery, remediation, intervention, acceleration, and exam preparation.
Schools across the country are successfully using Apex Learning digital curriculum to meet the needs of students, from building foundational skills to creating opportunities for advanced coursework.
*The content provided here was provided by or adapted from Apex Learning.
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