New Review: Mastery Education’s Measuring Up to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills: Mathematics

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[Source: Mastery Education]
Learning List has reviewed Mastery Education’s Measuring Up to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills: Mathematics–a supplemental print resource to help students in grades 3-8 (i.e., Levels C-H) prepare for STAAR testing in math. Content is organized in short lessons that address specific TEKS. Instruction provides ample opportunities for students to practice and apply problem-solving strategies.

Content is organized in chapters that address key concepts in the TEKS for each grade level (e.g., rational numbers, place value, measurement). Each chapter is made up of short lessons that address specific TEKS. Lessons are presented in five parts: (1) an introduction titled Understand the TEKS, (2) Guided Instruction, (3) Critical Thinking problems, (4) STAAR Practice problems, and (5) a STAAR Assessment practice test.

Each chapter ends with a cumulative “Building Stamina for the STAAR” chapter test that includes problems addressing each of the TEKS covered in the chapter. The final chapter at each grade level addresses financial literacy. Teacher editions also contain two versions of a cumulative STAAR practice test, a table identifying the TEKS addressed by each practice test problem, and a prescriptive answer key to support reteaching.

[Source: Mastery Education]
About Mastery Education*

Mastery Education®, formerly Peoples Education, is a creator of print and online educational materials for the K-12 school market, best known for the flagship brand Measuring Up®. The company focuses on supplemental instructional and practice materials that are standards-based and customized for specific markets. Founded in 1991, Mastery Education has a long history of accurate and astute content creation, working closely with educational partners and analyzing mandated standards and assessment criteria in order to create the most useful and relevant teacher support tools.

*The content in this section is provided by or adapted from Mastery Education.

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