Some teachers get excited when a new online product is purchased for the campus or the district, other’s don’t. Why is that? For one reason, teachers will have to spend time during the day (or evening) getting to know the product – how to navigate through it, how to input students’ names, how to assign lessons and assess students and how to create reports. More importantly, teachers often feel as if they have to review lessons completely themselves to make sure they align with the standards before they assign the lessons to their students. Most teachers are already burning their candle at both ends; they cannot find an extra minute in the day to review lessons in a new product.
Learning List to the rescue! Learning List verifies each product’s alignment to state standards, either to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) or to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). When educators subscribe to Learning List, they have at their fingertips an alignment road-map for each product – a report listing multiple, specific citations (lessons or page numbers) that align to each standard addressed in the product. Teachers can assign with confidence the citations contained in Learning List’s alignment road-maps, knowing that they align to the content, context and cognitive demand/rigor of the standards.
With Learning List as a resource, teachers may even have time to work out or to see a movie.