Vote for Learning List in the #1776Challenge Cup Competition!

Learning List has been nominated to compete for the “People’s Choice” position in the international 1776 Challenge Cup competition. Only four education startups internationally have been afforded this opportunity. Please take a minute (literally) to vote for Learning List.

Learning List and Publishers Collaborate to Benefit Educators and Students

As the industry-leading instructional materials review service for schools and districts, Learning List has designed a robust review process specifically intended to inform educator choice. As one curriculum director observed:
“Learning List was built from the ground up to respond specifically to educators’ needs. And it does.”

Compass Learning Launches New Suite of Accelerated Learning Products at ISTE

This past weekend at ISTE*, Compass Learning unveiled its new suite of accelerated learning software to help teachers tackle some of today’s biggest education challenges. The new offerings focus on blended learning, intervention and credit recovery with software that includes: Pathblazer™ a reading and math intervention program for elementary and middle school students, Hybridge™ a blended learning solution for elementary and …

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Teachers Credit Positive Classroom Culture to Bridges in Mathematics

  The Math Learning Center recently released the second edition of Bridges in Mathematics for grades K-5, and Learning List has just reviewed the new set of products.  Bridges is a comprehensive, inquiry-based program that creates a cooperative community of learners in the elementary mathematics classroom by blending teacher-led instruction, structured investigation, and open exploration of math concepts. The Bridges …

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As school leaders prepare for the 2014-2015 school year, one challenge remains in the forefront of Superintendents’ and Curriculum Directors’ minds: With thousands of instructional materials to choose from, how can we choose the right standards-aligned resources for our students’ needs? Recently featured on NPR , Learning List is a low-cost, subscription-based instructional materials review service for schools and districts. Think of Learning List as a combination of Consumer …

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The Road to Singapore Math – Customized for U.S. Students

Since the mid-1990s, Singapore’s students have ranked at the top of international comparisons of mathematics scores on exams such as the TIMSS and PISA. Given this success, many U.S. schools have sought to implement Singapore’s model of math instruction, which focuses on developing a deep understanding of numbers and concepts. To support these efforts, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt worked with Marshall …

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How Learning List Helps Further Educational Equity

A central premise of American public education is that all students should have access to a rigorous, high-quality curriculum.  While education reform efforts have tended to focus on the challenges urban public schools face in achieving educational equity, rural schools also confront challenges in achieving this important goal.  Social and geographic isolation, coupled with inadequate school and community resources, limits …

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Learning List, 3575 Far West Blvd. Ste. 29571
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