Updates to Advanced Placement Course Frameworks

College Board

The College Board recently updated the course frameworks for several of the Advanced Placement courses for which Learning List has reviewed materials. We have worked with the College Board to revise our alignment templates to reflect the following changes:

AP History Disciplinary Practices and Reasoning Skills

  • The Historical Thinking Skills were reorganized and renamed “AP History Disciplinary Practices and Reasoning Skills.” The number of practices and skills were reduced. There are now two practices and four skills. “Periodization” and “Synthesis” were eliminated as separate skills.
  • The revised “AP History Disciplinary Practices and Reasoning Skills” are part of the frameworks for AP US History, AP World History, and AP European History. [Read more…]

AP World History and AP European History

  • The scope of these courses has not changed, but course content has been reorganized.
  • The frameworks are organized by Period, Key Concept and Thematic Learning Objectives. Overarching Questions have been eliminated from the course frameworks. Each Period contains multiple Key Concepts, and Thematic Learning Objectives often repeat across Key Concepts.
  • The descriptions of some of the Key Concepts has changed, and some Thematic Learning Objectives have been consolidated.
  • For European History, some of the previous Thematic Learning Objectives have been regrouped to create a new theme.
  • While Learning List previously reviewed materials for alignment to the Overarching Questions, we now will review materials for alignment to each Thematic Learning Objective within the context of the relevant Key Concept and Period.

AP Physics 1 and 2

  • AP Physics 1 and 2 now have “stand-alone” course and exam descriptions. Each course framework is organized by Content Areas, Big Ideas, Enduring Understandings, Learning Objectives, Essential Knowledge Statements, and Essential Knowledge Statement Components.
  • Each Content Area contains multiple Big Ideas. Some Enduring Understandings, Learning Objectives and Essential Knowledge statements repeat across Big Ideas and Content areas.
  • Learning List will review citations for alignment to the Learning Objectives and Essential Knowledge Statements or Essential Knowledge Components within the context of the relevant Enduring Understanding, Big Idea and Content Area.

Learning List is reviewing materials for alignment to these revised course frameworks. Please contact us if you have any questions.




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