[Source: ORIGO Education]ORIGO Stepping Stones is a comprehensive, mathematics curriculum for grades K-5 available in English and Spanish. It provides a conceptual approach to math instruction using digital and print resources. The module-based program aligns with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Embedded videos provide teachers with on-time professional development in the content base and pedagogy needed to effectively address standards in classroom instruction. In addition, lessons include step-by-step guidance for teachers and explicit links to the relevant standards
[Click Image for YouTube Video courtesy of ORIGO]Learning List has verified that Stepping Stones is aligned to 100% of the Common Core math standards in grades K-5, and with newly developed content, is aligned to 100% of the TEKS in grades 1-5, as well. Submitted for state adoption in Texas as part of Proclamation 2014, the Stepping Stones was found to be less than 100% aligned in each grade level. The publisher subsequently developed new content in both English and Spanish to address the unmet TEKS and submitted that content to Learning List for review. Learning List has verified that the new content aligned to each of the initially unmet TEKS in grades 1-5. Thus, Stepping Stones is aligned to 100% of the TEKS in grades 1-5 and 97% aligned in Kindergarten.
Stepping Stones teaches elementary math using real world problems and reinforces learning through visual models and games. Lessons combine discussion and examples to provide comprehensive, differentiated instruction with clear links to standards. The program scaffolds instruction, frequently revisiting content from earlier modules and grade levels. Instruction includes cross-curricular connections that link math to other subject areas, including social studies, science, and language arts. Online resources, including manipulatives, interactive tools, and games, allow students to practice skills through meaningful and engaging activities. Multiple representations of content ensure instruction addresses differences in students’ learning styles.
About ORIGO*
[Source: ORIGO]ORIGO was established in 1997 when co-founders James Burnett and Dr Calvin Irons identified the need to meet a growing demand for professional development in mathematics. With the vision of making a positive contribution to children’s education, James and Cal began writing and producing mathematics resources from a makeshift office in James’ home. Today, ORIGO provides a complete education solution to its customers by combining an innovative range of mathematics products with quality professional learning services.
Originally trading as Prime Education, in 2002 the company name was changed to ORIGO – Latin for “original” or “the source” – reflecting their commitment to ORIGO becoming the premier source of inspiration for math teachers. Their product range illustrates this commitment, with a diverse selection of creative products that bring a renewed enthusiasm to students’ learning experience.
ORIGO covers all facets of elementary mathematics education: from traditional printed products to digital interactive resources and professional learning. ORIGO Stepping Stones delivers a world-class mathematics program that seamlessly blends digital and print resources. ORIGO demonstrates a commitment to excellence by creating products that inspire and empower teachers & students.
ORIGO provides mathematical resources and professional learning to educators throughout the world. National headquarters is based in St. Charles, Missouri, and provides customers with quality service, support and resources.
*The content in this section is provided by or adapted from ORIGO Education.
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