Savvas’ Texas Experience Science is a comprehensive science curriculum for grades K-8, which focuses on bringing science concepts to life through collaborative, hands-on activities. The material is available in English and in Spanish and in print and digital formats.
Experience Science organizes learning around seven topics in each grade level. Each topic includes a launch, which introduces the topic, an anchoring phenomenon, and multiple “Experiences” (lessons). Experiences are based on the 5E model and span three, four, or five days of instruction, depending on the lesson model teachers select.
The material seamlessly integrates phenomena, scientific and engineering practices, and recurring themes throughout each topic. Experiences include an anchoring phenomenon, additional phenomena, and guiding questions about the phenomena to help students see how scientific concepts exist in the real world. The Explore portion of each Experience typically includes hands-on stations or lab experiences to help students begin to develop an understanding of the concept. Throughout the Experiences, students are consistently required to justify their claims with evidence and explain their reasoning. They are also encouraged to make connections to science in their communities.
Each “Experience” provides “ELPS Targeted Support” for Emerging Bilinguals. These supports are specific to language proficiency level and to the specific instructional activity. Strategies for differentiating instruction for other students are specific to the activity, but they are not specific to learning need. Read Learning List’s Spec Sheet and Editorial Review of Savvas’ Texas Experience Science to find out whether the material is rigorous enough for your students and to learn more about the resources available for students and teachers.
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About Savvas Learning Company*
Savvas Learning Company (formerly Pearson K12 Learning), is a next-generation learning company. Their goal is to combine new ideas, new ways of thinking, and new ways of interacting to create innovative learning solutions.
Savvas is “driven by a shared purpose to prepare students to thrive in our rapidly changing world. We do that by combining the power of advanced technology and dynamic curriculum to create next-generation learning solutions — delivered in the physical classroom or in remote settings — that offer engaging, personalized, and real-world learning experiences”
Information in the section is provided by or adapted from Savvas.*