[Source: Savvas]Savvas Education’s Texas High School Math Series provides comprehensive Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra II courses for Texas high schools. Each course features “3-Act Math” problems that develop students’ ability to use mathematics to understand and solve real-world problems. Courses are designed for use in blended learning environments and deliver most content digitally. Resources will be most effective in classrooms in which all students have Internet-enabled devices and teachers are comfortable teaching with technology.
[Source: Savvas]Although content is delivered primarily online, each course includes two printed student resources: the “Student Companion” and the “Student Text and Homework Helper.” The Student Companion is a journal to accompany digital classroom instruction and is available as an interactive, electronic workbook and as a printed consumable. The Student Text and Homework Helper is a reference resource available in print and eBook formats. It includes an “Unpacking the TEKS” feature that presents each of the TEKS student expectations, underscoring key terms (e.g., justify); an explanation of the expectation in student-friendly language; and a completed example problem demonstrating mastery of the expectation. Although Learning List’s reviewers did not have access to digital content, the publisher’s materials indicate that online resources include interactive explorations, animations, math tools; a glossary with audio capabilities in English and Spanish; and “Virtual Nerd” video tutorials.
Teacher editions are provided in two volumes and include comprehensive overviews of all teaching resources and assessments and detailed guidance in implementing each instructional activity with students. Teacher resources include background in math content, explanations of why students need to understand this content, and “Unpacking the TEKS” features that clarify what students need to know in order to master the TEKS content and process standards as well as the ELPS and College and Career Readiness standards. Each topic includes a pacing and differentiation guide. Guides provide strategies for English language learners, pre-Advanced Placement students, and each RtI tier. Point-of use resources include teaching notes, questioning guides, checks for student understanding, and answer keys. Click here to register for a demo for any one of these resources.