Lone Star Learning’s TEKSas Target Practice™ Digital Edition is a supplemental, online mathematics program to help K-6 students master the TEKS and prepare for STAAR exams. The program is designed for use with interactive whiteboards (IWBs) and provides a daily framework for teacher-led review of the TEKS. Learning List recently reviewed TEKSas Target Practice™ products for grades K-2.
TEKSas Target Practice™ provides short, daily activities that address each of the TEKS at each grade level. Activities focus on improving fluency and skill with concepts that have been introduced during core math instruction. The program includes activities for each day of a 36-week school year. Instruction is organized in 18 ten-day blocks of instruction (i.e., two weeks). Each day presents a set of review activities that address related math concepts and skills (e.g., place value, using number lines, writing numbers), and each activity is aligned to one or more TEKS.
To facilitate ease of use, each of the ten days in an instructional block follows a consistent system of color coding (e.g., Day 1 is gold, Day 8 is pink). The day’s color appears on a banner when displayed using IWBs and students have corresponding, color-coded worksheets that include space to work out problems and record answers. Student worksheets may be completed online or downloaded for paper and pencil completion.
Teacher resources include teaching notes, strategies for organizing student work, answer keys, and a comprehensive correlation of the specific TEKS addressed by each day’s activities. Instructional tools include a clock with minute hands only to support counting by ones or fives, a coin graphic to help students count money, a classroom calendar, a hundreds/tens/ones chart, tiles to illustrate concepts (e.g., addition), and a chart displaying numbers from 0 to 99. More information about this digital edition is available here.
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