New AP Curriculum Review: McGraw Hill’s AP (Chang) Chemistry, 12th Edition

McGraw-Hill's Chang Chemistry Learning List has reviewed McGraw Hill’s AP (Chang) Chemistry, 12th Edition. The course is a comprehensive resource that supports instruction in high school Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry courses. Content is available in print and digital formats with additional online resources. Chang Chemistry provides a straightforward introduction to the concepts, principles, and theories of chemistry through guided inquiry and problem solving activities.

The text’s first chapter introduces core principles in the study of chemistry (e.g., states of matter, the scientific method) and strategies for chemical problem solving. Subsequent chapters address key concepts (e.g., acids and bases) while maintaining a strong connection to the College Board’s big ideas and essential knowledge statements. Each chapter begins with an outline of the chapter (i.e., section titles and page numbers), an “AP Big Ideas: A Look Ahead” feature, and a set of essential questions. Look Ahead introduces content in the context of the big ideas addressed by the chapter.  Essential questions reference the relevant essential knowledge statement(s) of the course framework (e.g., “What is a gas? 2.A.2”).

Each chapter ends with practice problems reference the relevant chapter sections and require students to demonstrate quantitative reasoning, conceptual understanding, and critical thinking thinking skills. Some chapters include a “Chemical Mystery” activity that presents a real-world mystery for students to solve using chemistry skills (e.g., “Who Killed Napoleon?”). The activity begins with a short narrative explaining the mystery followed by a set of “Chemical Clues” for students to consider.

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Information in this section is provided by or adapted from McGraw Hill Education.


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