Learning List has reviewed print materials for Bedford, Freeman & Worth’s (BFW) Ways of the World: A Global History with Sources, 3rd Edition. This comprehensive product supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) World History courses. Content is available in print and digital formats and includes additional online resources. Instruction addresses the major developments in world history, including the emergence of global religions, industrialization, and the rise and fall of totalitarian systems.
Ways of the World opens with a set of articles to help students use the text and its resources. Core content is organized in six chronological parts that match the historical periods in the College Board’s course framework for AP World History: (1) First Things First: Beginnings in History, to 600 B.C.E., (2) Second-Wave Civilizations in World History, 600 B.C.E. – 600 C.E., (3) An Age of Accelerating Connections, 600 C.E. – 1450, (4) The Early Modern World, 1450 – 1750, (5) The European Moment in World History, 1750 – 1900, and (6) The Most Recent Century, 1900 – present.
Parts are made up of chapters that emphasize broad themes that connect periods and cultures (e.g., global trade). Each chapter begins with an individual’s perspective (e.g., Nelson Mandela), an outline of content, and a “Map of Time” chronology. The instructional narrative is written at an advanced level and includes a variety of reading supports. Chapter openers include a “Seeking the Main Point” question that helps focus students on an important theme addressed by instruction (e.g., “In what ways did the Industrial Revolution mark a sharp break with the past?”). Margin notes contain “Guided Reading Questions,” “AP Exam Tips” (e.g., “Effects of the Atlantic Revolutions on women’s rights are ‘must know’ information for the AP exam.”), and “Practicing AP Historical Thinking” notes that provide point-of-use guidance in applying historical thinking skills. Chapters end with a “Reflections” essay, review activities, and a “Working With Evidence” source analysis activity.
About BFW*
BFW believes that what happens in the classroom matters, and that a good class, a good teacher, and good content have the power to change the world—one student and one idea at a time. BFW products have long been best-sellers for AP courses. Now, in response to the needs of teachers across the country, BFW offers materials for Common Core, elective courses, and on-level programs aligned to NGSS.
Information in this section is provided by or adapted from BFW.
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