Learning List has reviewed print resources for Cengage Learning’s Chemistry (Zumdahl), AP Edition, 10th Edition. This comprehensive product supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry courses. Content is available in print and eBook formats with additional online components. Instruction emphasizes modeling, problem solving, and the real-world applications of chemistry.
Chemistry emphasizes problem solving and the use of models to represent chemical events and phenomena. The text’s general approach to problem solving, or “conceptual problem solving,” is framed in terms of the questions “Where are we going?” and “How do we get there?,” the solution, and a “Reality Check” evaluation of the solution’s reasonableness. “Interactive Examples” of problem-solving strategies are integrated throughout the text and provide step-by-step guidance in obtaining solutions and reference similar problems in end-of-chapter exercises. Specific problem-solving strategies (e.g., “Solving a Stoichiometry Problem Involving Masses of Reactants and Products”) are highlighted in textboxes and illustrated in subsequent examples.
Instruction in the use of models begins with a clear explanation of each model and accompanying illustrations followed by the quantitative expression of the model. Students learn to construct and test models and evaluate their failures. End-of-chapter activities include sets of multiple-choice and free-response questions formatted to reflect the AP exam.
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Information in this section is provided by or adapted from Cengage Learning.
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