Are you looking for journalism materials for your adoption? Take a look at Learning List’s reviews of Shmoop Journalism.
Shmoop University’s Journalism is intended for the high school Journalism course. This fully digital program encourages students to engage with the material independently. Students can work at their own pace and complete the material in any order. Shmoop’s goal is to “provide fun, rigorous, materials that engage and challenge.”
The course helps students understand the basic tenets of journalism, from its purpose to specifics, such as feature writing and investigation. The material references high profile media stories as examples of journalism concepts. Learning List’s reviewers observed that lessons are written in a joking, conversational tone that sometimes is more distracting than engaging.
Adaptions for students with specific learning needs are limited, as all students generally complete the same assignments. Read Learning List’s editorial review to learn more about the overall instructional experience and quality of the material.
Learning List has also reviewed the material’s technology compatibility. To learn more about this product and thousands more PreK-12 instructional materials, contact Learning List for subscription information.
About Shmoop*
Since 2009, Shmoop has been a digital publishing company with a point of view. The believe that if students enjoy the learning process, they will do it more.The company’s intention is to balance a teen-friendly, approachable style with academically rigorous materials to help students understand why they should care.
Information in this section is provided by or adapted from Shmoop.