Are your elementary mathematics teachers looking for a multi-faceted product? Take a look at Learning List’s reviews of Savvas’s Investigations 3.
Savvas’s Investigations 3 is a set of comprehensive mathematics materials for students in grades K-5. Materials are available in print or digital formats. This inquiry-based program is designed to help students make sense of mathematical ideas. Lessons focus on developing mathematical thinking, computational fluency, and mathematical reasoning.
Investigations 3 does not include a “traditional” student textbook that contains instruction, such as background on math topics, definitions, example problems, or step-by-step solutions. Rather, the instruction is contained in the teacher’s Curriculum Units (teacher edition) and reinforced through a Student Activity Book and the Math Words and Ideas (MWI) digital resource. MWI is linked within the interactive Student Activity Book and provides instruction, re-teaching, and additional practice for each session.
The material also includes an abundance of resources for instruction and support for blended learning environments. Read Learning List’s full editorial review to find out more about the digital resources and the focus on professional learning and support for teachers.
In addition to a qualitative review of the material’s instructional content, Learning List has also completed a standard-by-standard analysis of the material’s alignment to the Common Core State Standards and the California Common Core Standards and a review of the product’s technology compatibility. To learn more about this product and thousands more PreK-12 instructional materials, contact Learning List for subscription information.
About Savvas*
Savvas provides expertise in educational courseware and assessment, and a range of teaching and learning services powered by technology. Savvas’s mission is to help people make progress through access to better learning.
Bringing digital learning to school children worldwide, Savvas is helping to transform education with full-time online and blended schools, online courses, technology, and host of support services. With a focus on successful student outcomes, these programs deliver high-quality, highly personalized, and flexible learning experiences — students are able to complete schoolwork when and where they learn best, 24/7.
Information in this section is provided by or adapted from Savvas.
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