Does your district need instructional materials to support K-8 implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards? Take a look at Learning List’s reviews of Savvas’ (formerly Pearson) Elevate Science.
Elevate Science is a comprehensive science program for grades K-8. Materials are available in print and online. The program focuses on providing student-centered, three-dimensional learning. Elevate supports the development of critical and analytical thinking while developing literacy skills and an interest in STEM related activities.
The material focuses instruction on Quests and essential questions related to real-world situations. Quests provide real-world, phenomena-based scenarios that students explore throughout the course’s units of instruction. Each lesson includes another step in the Quest, and students share their findings at the end of each unit. Critical and analytical thinking is supported through investigations, labs, and scaffolded questions. The material supports the intent of the Next Generation Science Standards by consistently providing students with three-dimensional learning experiences, integrating the Cross-Cutting Concepts and Science and Engineering Practices with the Disciplinary Core Ideas to provide cohesive storylines.
The digital platform provides an abundance of resources and support for teachers in the implementation of the NGSS and making instructional connections across content areas. Likewise, substantial digital resources for students support instruction in blended learning environments.
See Learning List’s Alignment Report for detailed information about Elevate’s alignment to the Performance Expectations, DCIs, CCCs, and SEPs. Learning List has also completed a qualitative review of the instructional content for each grade level covered by this material and a review of the material’s technology compatibility. To learn more about this product and thousands more PreK-12 instructional materials, contact Learning List for subscription information.
About Savvas (formerly Pearson)*
Savvas (formerly Pearson) provides expertise in educational courseware and assessment, and a range of teaching and learning services powered by technology. Savvas’ (formerly Pearson) mission is to help people make progress through access to better learning.
Bringing digital learning to school children worldwide, Savvas (formerly Pearson) is helping to transform education with full-time online and blended schools, online courses, technology, and host of support services. With a focus on successful student outcomes, these programs deliver high-quality, highly personalized, and flexible learning experiences — students are able to complete schoolwork when and where they learn best, 24/7.
Information in this section is provided by or adapted from Savvas (formerly Pearson).
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