Review: CK-12 Math Concepts

[Source: CK-12]
The CK-12 Foundation’s Math Concepts is a series of comprehensive courses for middle school and high school students that are available free online. CK-12’s open-source digital textbooks, or “FlexBooks,” provide multimodal instruction that integrates textual information, video lectures, and online tools to support different learning styles. The series of Math FlexBooks cover middle school content and high school courses in Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Precalculus. FlexBooks may be accessed in ePub and Amazon Kindle formats, and may be downloaded as PDFs.

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[Source: CK-12]

CK-12’s Math Concepts
presents skill-based instruction. Chapters are organized in terms of key concepts and follow a logical sequence in which content builds across chapters. Each chapter is broken into short sections and includes an interactive outline with links to each section. Each section includes: (1) one or more embedded video tutorials that provide direct instruction in key content, (2) examples that provide step-by-step guidance in solving problems, and (3) sets of independent practice problems that closely mirror examples.

Video tutorials are presented as interactive whiteboard lessons with accompanying narration. Each chapter section includes problem sets that allow students to practice skills covered and each chapter concludes with a brief summary and a set of review problems. CK-12 does not include assessments, answer keys, or rubrics to support the evaluation of student work.

About CK-12*

The CK-12 Foundation was founded with the mission to enable everyone to learn in his or her own way. We pair high quality content with the latest technologies. We equip students, teachers, and parents with everything they need. For free.

*The content in this section is provided by or adapted from CK-12.

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