The Debate Over Common Core in Texas

Although the state of Texas has chosen not to adopt the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) as the state’s K-12 English language arts and math standards, Texas school boards are, nevertheless, facing an ongoing struggle over the CCSS.

New Reviews: Big Ideas High School Math

Big Ideas Learning provides comprehensive courses for Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra II in its Big Ideas Math® series. Courses integrate the Mathematical Process Standards throughout instruction and include support for English language learners and Response to Intervention at each tier.

New Review: Scientific Minds MC² in Agriculture

Scientific Minds MC2 in Agriculture is a supplemental video-based science resource for high school courses in agriscience and biology. The video series content covers fundamental concepts in the agriculture curriculum and supports instruction in the core content areas of science, math, ELA, and social studies.

New Reviews: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Texas High School Math

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Texas High School Math Series provides comprehensive Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II courses designed specifically for Texas students. Learning List has reviewed each course as submitted for state adoption in Texas. The following is a summary of our reviews.

Keys 2 Succeed: A Student’s Back-to-School Blueprint

One of the joys of being involved in Learning List is working with outstanding, passionate educators ….I contacted one of our reviewers …(who) was about to host a dinner …(for)…a very special former student: “I met Jorvis when he was a 12-year-old student in the high-poverty, high-minority middle school where I was principal….”

New Review: AQR’s Mathematics for the World Around Us

Advanced Quantitative Reasoning’s (AQR) Mathematics for the World Around Us is a comprehensive course for high school students who have successfully completed Algebra II or Integrated Mathematics III. Learning List reviewed the course’s print teacher and student editions as submitted for state adoption in Texas.

“Awesome” Pep Talk (Video) from a 9-Year-Old Student

We welcome all teachers, students and school administrators back-to-school across the country. With over 3.7 million views, Kid President’s Pep Talk to Teachers and Students is a great way to start the school year.

Reviews of Agile Mind’s Mathematics Courses

Agile Mind is a comprehensive, online program to support mathematics instruction in middle school and high school. With over 2.3 million students served in 27 states, Agile Mind was founded in 2002 to enhance one thing: the opportunity to learn.

Learning List and Publishers Collaborate to Benefit Educators and Students

As the industry-leading instructional materials review service for schools and districts, Learning List has designed a robust review process specifically intended to inform educator choice. As one curriculum director observed:
“Learning List was built from the ground up to respond specifically to educators’ needs. And it does.”

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