Learning List has reviewed Scientific Minds’ Science Sidekicks, which is a supplemental product that supports science instruction in grades 3-5. Content is web-based and includes some printable components. Instruction focuses on “chunking” standards into small, manageable amounts of content that are easy for students to understand. Lessons are presented using interactive slideshows that include opportunities for teacher-led whole group instruction, small group work, and independent study. [Read more…]
Scientific Minds
New Review: Scientific Minds MC² in Agriculture
Scientific Minds MC2 in Agriculture is a supplemental video-based science resource for high school courses in agriscience and biology. The video series content covers fundamental concepts in the agriculture curriculum and supports instruction in the core content areas of science, math, ELA, and social studies.
Newly Published: Middle School Science Starters (Scientific Minds)
We’re pleased to share the latest published review available on Learning List: Scientific Minds Middle School Science Starters. The subject includes 120 web-based modules that teach important middle school science concepts. The Starters can be teacher-guided for whole-class instruction or played as a video for independent student study. Each module includes interactive vocabulary flashcards and a digital quiz. Lessons are …