Learning List has reviewed OpenStax’s Biology for AP Courses. This comprehensive, open education resource (OER) resource supports Advanced Placement (AP) Biology instruction at the high school level. Resources are available online and may be downloaded as an interactive PDF. Instruction covers the content for an introductory college-level biology course with an emphasis on ensuring resources address the College Board’s course framework for AP Biology. [Read more…]
New Curriculum Review: Kiddom’s OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology 2e
OpenStax’s Kiddom Anatomy and Physiology (Kiddom Anatomy) is a comprehensive science program for high school Anatomy and Physiology. The material is available in digital format through the Kiddom platform or in print. The material intends to provide relevant instruction in Anatomy and Physiology while supporting students in their future careers. In Kiddom Anatomy, learning is organized in units that include multiple chapters. …