New Review: ThinkCERCA

[Source: ThinkCERCA]
Learning List has reviewed ThinkCERCA materials for grades 6-8. ThinkCerca is an online learning platform that helps students in grades 3-12 develop literacy and critical thinking skills across the core subject areas. The supplemental program focuses on developing close reading and academic writing skills. Content addresses the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and supports instruction in blended learning, flipped classroom, and self-paced environments.

ThinkCERCA focuses on developing students’ ability to read a text and produce a written response using the CERCA framework: (1) make Claims, (2) support claims with textual Evidence, (3) explain their Reasoning, (4) recognize Counterarguments, and (5) use language that appeals to a particular Audience. Core instruction is presented in modular “CERCA Sets” that cover content from across the core subject areas (i.e., English/language arts, science, mathematics, and social studies).

Reading selections are drawn from a variety of engaging informational and literary texts and include visual elements, such as photographs and illustrations, to support understanding. Teachers may select texts that are leveled in terms of the complexity for a particular grade level, and may differentiate assignments for students reading at, below, and above grade level.

think cerca logo
[Source: ThinkCERCA]
About ThinkCERCA*

ThinkCERCA is an online platform designed to empower teachers to personalize literacy instruction across disciplines. ThinkCERCA helps whole school teams differentiate for engaging learning in classrooms of diverse learners. The CERCA Framework provides a common language for students, teachers, parents, and administrators to drive sustainable growth in student achievement.

*The content in this section is provided by or adapted from ThinkCERCA.

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