Learning List has reviewed Edgenuity’s online mathematics program for Algebra II. The comprehensive course supports instruction in blended learning and self-paced environments. Video-based lessons focus on developing students’ understanding of advanced algebraic concepts and the application of learning to real-world problems.
Prescriptive, diagnostic pre-tests identify the concepts students have already mastered and route them to relevant, personalized content. Instruction is presented in video-based lectures with accompanying whiteboard notes and demonstrations. Each lesson begins with an interactive warm-up that frames the lesson topic, establishes learning goals, connects to prior learning, and introduces new vocabulary and concepts. Core instruction is presented in video lectures by engaging teachers, with accompanying white board demonstrations of concepts and skills.
The course includes read-aloud tools in seven languages and translation tools in 17 languages, including Spanish. Students have access to audio readers, a searchable glossary, a set of calculators (e.g., graphing, matrix, statistical), and online highlighting and note taking tools.
About Edgenuity*
Edgenuity provides engaging online and blended learning education solutions that propel success for every student, empower every teacher to deliver more effective instruction, and enable schools and districts to meet their academic goals. Edgenuity delivers a range of Core Curriculum, AP®, Elective, Career and Technical Education (CTE), and Credit Recovery courses aligned to the rigor and high expectations of state, Common Core and iNACOL standards and is designed to inspire life-long learning.
* The content in this section is provided by or adapted from Edgenuity.
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