New Review: Apex Learning

[Source: Apex Learning]
Apex Learning provides supplemental, online Tutorial resources to help Texas students master the TEKS and prepare for STAAR testing. Tutorials are flexible resources that support a variety of instructional environments, including test prep, flipped instruction, and blended learning programs. Content is presented in short lessons that include interactive content, videos, and assessment. Learning List recently reviewed Tutorial resources for English 1 and Algebra 1.

Tutorials are organized in units that address an overarching concept (e.g., Author’s Voice and Method; Linear Systems) and modules that focus on specific objectives within the concept (e.g., Word Choice; Solving Systems of Linear Equations: Graphing). Each unit begins with a prescriptive pretest and ends with a cumulative posttest. Modules are made up of “Learn It,” “Try It,” “Review It,” and “Test It” activities, which may be completed in any order:

  • Learn It is a short slide show that provides direct instruction.
  • Try It practice activities are formatted as interactive questions (e.g., multiple choice, matching) with hints and corrective feedback.
  • Review It presents a video in which an engaging teacher summarizes the module’s content using age-appropriate humor.
  • Test It is a short quiz over content.

Teachers and site coordinators have access to tutorial outlines and overviews, a set of “Best Practices Guides,” and an “Implementation Strategy Playbook.” Best Practices Guides support users in implementing the tutorials in a variety of settings (e.g., whole group instruction, blended learning) and in addressing common issues (e.g., academic integrity). The Implementation Strategy Playbook offers suggestions for site coordinators in organizing and managing a self-paced instructional program.

About Apex Learning*

Founded in 1997, Apex Learning is the leading provider of blended and virtual learning solutions to the nation’s schools. The company’s standards-based digital curriculum — in math, science, English, social studies, world languages, and Advanced Placement® — is widely used for original credit, credit recovery, remediation, intervention, acceleration, and exam preparation.

Schools across the country are successfully using Apex Learning digital curriculum to meet the needs of students, from building foundational skills to creating opportunities for advanced coursework.

*The content provided here was provided by or adapted from Apex Learning.

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