Is your district looking for digital instructional materials for high school English? Take a look at Learning List’s reviews of StrongMind’s Texas English Language Arts.
StrongMind’s Texas English Language Arts is a comprehensive English language arts program for grades 9-12 (English I-IV). The materials are fully digital. StrongMind Courseware focuses on delivering a powerful and engaging learning experience. Materials are organized topically and/or thematically in a logical sequence.
The materials require students to read, analyze text, and write in every lesson. All required reading selections are included with the material, but may not fully represent the selections traditionally used in English classes. Writing instruction is embedded throughout each unit.
Texas English Language Arts is intended for independent learning, but provides opportunities for collaboration among students through the consistent use of discussion boards. Instruction is segmented into manageable chunks to support student success. Material includes a text-to-speech reader, but does not provide any additional adaptions for special populations or any suggestions for differentiated instruction.
This fully digital product provides resources and materials on the Canvas platform to support blended learning or a flipped classroom. Teacher facilitation will increase student success with this material.
Learning List has conducted a qualitative review of the instructional content and a review of the technology compatibility for each grade level covered by this material. To learn more about this product and thousands more PreK-12 instructional materials, contact Learning List for subscription information. Our reviews not only inform selection decisions, they facilitate instructional planning and curriculum writing, as well.
About StrongMind*
For nearly two decades, StrongMind has blazed the trail in online education. It was founded by Damian Creamer as the exclusive technology and curriculum partner for Primavera Online High School. Through collaboration and innovation, Primavera has become the largest high school in Arizona and one of the most successful online high schools in the country, serving more than 22,000 students each year. StrongMind’s purpose is to reinvent the learning experience. They strive to unlock the magic of learning and foster student success by creating the most engaging digital curriculum.
Information in this section is provided by or adapted from StrongMind.