If your district is looking for a STAAR test preparation product, take a look at Learning List’s review of Sirius Education Solutions STAAR Readiness Review and Practice.
Sirius Education Solutions STAAR Readiness Review and Practice for grades 6-8 math provides supplemental test-preparation products intended to help Texas middle school and high school students prepare for STAAR assessments. Content is available in print format with online teacher editions. Learning List only had access to the print student edition for this review.
Instruction incorporates a structured three-step approach to exam preparation: diagnostic assessment, focused remediation, and post-test. Content is presented simply and supports students who choose to work independently. This product does not include differentiated instruction for students with specific learning needs.
Brief pre-and post-tests are intended to guide students and teachers in recognizing instructional needs. These assessments generally include one question per readiness standard. The primary focus of the text is the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Readiness standards. The material provides step-by step solutions to STAAR-styled questions and includes STAAR reference materials such as a formula chart and a glossary of key terms. Instruction focuses on key words for mathematical operations (e.g., less than, times, plus) and working backwards to solve problems.
A much shorter section at the back of the text provides practice on TEKS Supporting standards. The instruction does not specifically address the TEKS process standards, although the publisher does provide a correlation of the practice problems to the process standards.
Learning List has completed a standard-by-standard alignment report, qualitative review of the instructional content and a review of the technology compatibility for each grade level covered by this material. To learn more about this product and thousands more PreK-12 instructional materials, contact Learning List for subscription information.
About Sirius*
Sirius is an Austin-based publisher focused on helping all students succeed on the STAAR tests. Sirius takes enormous pride in test prep solutions designed to provide success for Texas educators and students. Sirius only sells in Texas.
*Information in this section is provided by or adapted from Sirius Education Solutions.