Rally! Education’s STAAR Math Rehearsal PLUS and STAAR Reading Rehearsal PLUS are supplemental products that support preparation for Texas’ STAAR mathematics and reading testing in grades 3-8 (i.e., Levels C-H), respectively. Content is available in print and online formats. Learning List recently reviewed online resources in each content area. Resources at each grade level include two practice exams that reflect the grade’s STAAR mathematics and reading tests and tools to help teachers evaluate students’ mastery of the relevant Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). [Read more…]
“STAAR Online Quick Start” shows students how to navigate Rally! Education’s content and use its tools. The Quick Start introduces each of the program’s navigation features (e.g., previous and next buttons) and accommodation tools (e.g., audio reader, adjustable font size). Online tools allow students to highlight information, flag questions, eliminate answer choices they think are incorrect, take notes, save and/or pause their work, change font size, and access Help features. For math tests, students have access to get useful information, such as formulas and conversion charts. Student have access to an automated audio reader.
For each content area and grade level, STAAR Rehearsal Plus provides two forms of a multiple-choice practice test formatted to reflect the grade’s and content area’s STAAR assessments. Teachers can use the program’s “Build Reports” feature to create Excel formatted documents that display test results for a class or group of students. Reports are color coded to indicate which students have demonstrated mastery of specific TEKS and their overall mastery of TEKS Reporting Categories and which students continue to struggle.
About Rally! Education*
RALLY! Education is a national educational publishing company that has been in business for 15 years. RALLY! focuses on developing standards-based instructional print and online materials written specifically for each state. We are passionate about education and want to produce high quality materials for schools and school districts. Our team of educators and professionals work diligently to understand the needs of every state and develop instructional print and online materials that easily fit within any classroom setting.
*Information in this section is provided by or adapted from Rally! Education.
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