Learning List has reviewed Glynlyon’s Odysseyware Texas middle school products for mathematics and English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR). Both products are Texas Editions that were developed to address the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Both math and ELAR products are comprehensive resources that cover a full year’s content. [Read more…]
Middle school math instruction provides the foundation for the study of algebra. Across grades, courses address problem solving, number theory, proportional reasoning, statistics, and the relationship between numeric, algebraic, and geometric concepts.
ELAR courses develop close reading, critical thinking, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Instruction centers on high-quality literary and informational texts that span a variety of genres (e.g., short story, biography). Students encounter increasingly complex texts as instruction progresses in each grade level. Writing instruction focuses on argumentative, narrative, and expository essays and creative works, such as poetry. At grades 7 and 8, instruction is theme-based. Grade 7 addresses themes related to earth, space, and survival. Instruction at grade 8 uses historical themes (e.g., world civilizations) to structure content.
About Odysseyware*
Odysseyware takes the question of where students can learn out of the equation. With its fully HTML5 course library, students can learn anywhere, anytime, on any device, via a powerful Learning Management System delivering hundreds of multimedia-based courses. Students have access to CTE, Advanced Placement®, core and elective options, all aligned to national and state standards. They also have access to powerful supports including translations in 23 languages, vocabulary and reference libraries, text-to-speech, and immediate coaching for writing skills via the Writer Tool.
*Information in this section is provided by or adapted from Odysseyware.
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