USATestprep is a supplemental online test preparation product that helps students prepare for a variety of standardized tests, including STAAR, Advanced Placement, and SAT/ACT exams. Content is available online and includes printable materials. USATestprep provides a variety of assessment resources and short instructional activities linked to standards. Learning List reviewed resources designed to help students master the Algebra I Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and prepare for STAAR testing. [Read more…]
For Algebra I, USATestprep provides assessment resources to support benchmarking, the identification of learning gaps, and preparation for the STAAR end-of-course exam. In addition, the program includes a variety of short, online instructional activities to support review of the TEKS. Online learning activities include “Standards-based Modules,” performance tasks and warm-ups, an “Item of the Day” feature, as well as games to be used with classroom projection devices. Each resource is linked to a specific standard and may be customized to meet teachers’ needs.
USATestprep’s “Benchmark” tab allows teachers to create Basic and/or Custom benchmark assessments. Basic benchmarks are system-created summative tests that prepare students for the Algebra I STAAR end-of-course exam. Custom benchmarks allow teachers to select questions that address specific standards. For both Basic and Custom benchmarks, teachers are able to preview tests and set item point values. Online tools allow teachers to select a variety of assessment features, including whether tests provide students with explanations of results upon completion, include Spanish translations, order questions randomly, and/or have three rather than four answer choices.
About USATestprep*
USATestprep, Inc. is recognized as a leader in curriculum resources and test prep for high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools. We have been helping students with high-stakes tests since 1998, and we offer a multitude of review products for subject area end-of-grade, end-of-course, graduation level, career readiness, and college entrance assessments. Our programs are tailored to both individual state and/or Common Core standards.
*Information in this section is provided by or adapted from USATestprep.
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