The Charles A. Dana Center’s Advanced Mathematical Decision Making (AMDM) is a comprehensive product that supports instruction in Advanced Quantitative Reasoning courses in Texas high schools. Content is available in print format. Instruction is discovery based and engages students in authentic problem solving that emphasizes real-world contexts, including statistics and finance. Algebra II is a prerequisite for the course. [Read more…]
AMDM presents core content in eight teaching guides. Each guide comprises a unit of instruction that focuses on particular concepts and sets of skills (e.g., using functions in models and decision making). Units are broken into “sections” made up of lessons. Each section in teacher guides begins with learning objectives, pacing information, prerequisite skills, overviews of student resources (e.g., activity sheets), new vocabulary, and the required instructional materials (e.g., graphing calculator). “Additional Background” helps teachers link content to other subject areas and students’ experience and “Things to Watch For” cues teachers to common student misconceptions and opportunities to enrich students’ understanding through class discussions.
About the Charles A. Dana Center*
The Dana Center team brings a wealth of experience and education—and a deep commitment—to our work to enable all students to achieve postsecondary success. We have multilayered expertise in mathematics and science education, leadership, research and program evaluation, literacy, policy and systemic reform, and services to high-need populations.
Many of us have advanced degrees in mathematics, mathematics education, engineering, curriculum and instruction, or education administration or policy. Dana Center staff bring to our work a rich collective expertise in classroom teaching, instructional leadership, education administration, curriculum development, and national leadership in organizations such as the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the National Academy of Sciences Mathematical Sciences Education Board, and the Advisory Committee of the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices in STEM Education.
*Information in this section is provided by or adapted from The Dana Center.
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