Learning List has reviewed Savvas’s Stats in Your World, which is a comprehensive product that supports instruction in high school statistics courses. Content is available in print and eBook formats and includes a variety of resources housed in Savvas’s “MyStatLab™” online platform. Instruction emphasizes the use of real-world data to introduce statistical concepts, develop statistical analysis skills, and enable students to “think statistically.”
Stats in Your World’s examples focus on real-world problems and applications of statistics that will be familiar to college-bound students (e.g., random assignment of students to dorms) and each chapter contains a discussion of common errors made in analyzing statistical data and interpreting results. [Read more…]
Online resources include tutorials in using technology resources, “StatTalk” videos, and the StatCrunch statistical analysis tool. Technology tutorials introduce students to software applications such as Excel and SPSS, as well as the use graphing calculators.
About Savvas*
Savvas is the world’s learning company, with expertise in educational courseware and assessment, and a range of teaching and learning services powered by technology. Savvas’s mission is to help people make progress through access to better learning. Savvas believes that learning opens up opportunities, creating fulfilling careers and better lives.
*Information in this section is provided by or adapted from Savvas.
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