Is your district looking for a new comprehensive math program to support blended learning? Take a look at Learning List’s curriculum review of McGraw Hill’s Reveal Math for middle school mathematics, Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra 2
McGraw Hill’s Reveal Math is a set of comprehensive materials for middle school mathematics, Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra 2 available in print and online. The material is designed with a focus on rigor, productive struggle and facilitating discussions about math. Lessons focus on exploration, conversation and reflection.
Reveal Math distinct tools and design support learning in blended environments. Interactive presentations, point of use videos, animations, and a varied set of online math modeling tools partner with the interactive student edition to provide a unique classroom environment and personalize learning. Videos support teachers’ development of content knowledge and pedagogy, and digital teacher tools facilitate lesson and grade management, monitoring student progress, and assessment. [Read more...]
Student material provides a consistent, logically sequenced skills progression that scaffolds instruction at increasingly complex levels. Interventions and extensions promote differentiation and individualized instruction. Lessons designed to encourage productive struggle ensure an appropriate challenge for each student.
Learning List has completed a standard-by-standard alignment report, qualitative review of the instructional content and a review of the technology compatibility for each grade level covered by this material. To learn more about this product and thousands more PreK-12 instructional materials, contact Learning List for subscription information.
About McGraw Hill*
McGraw-Hill Education’s mission is to accelerate learning through intuitive, engaging, efficient and effective experiences – grounded in research.
By partnering with educators around the globe, McGraw-Hill learning engineers, content developers and pedagogical experts are developing increasingly open learning ecosystems that are proven to improve pass rates, elevate grades and increase engagement for each individual learner while improving outcomes for all.
*Information in this section is provided by or adapted from McGraw Hill Education.
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