Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s (HMH) Collections is a comprehensive product that supports English language arts instruction in grades 6-12. Content is available in print and online formats and facilitates instruction in blended learning environments. Across grades, instruction focuses on developing students’ close reading skills, ability to think critically about texts, and use of textual evidence to support their conclusions. Learning List recently reviewed resources for grades 6-8.
Across grade levels, content is organized in six “Collections,” or units, built around literary and informational texts that address a common theme (e.g., “Approaching Adulthood”). Instruction in each Collection centers on anchor texts and related reading selections. eTexts integrate content from Collections’ “Close Reader” consumable print work text. Close Reader selections address the same topics as the anchor texts and provide opportunities for students to apply close reading skills with scaffolding and support. Close Reader content is available in Spanish.
Collections contains extensive resources for English language learners (ELLs) and struggling readers, including Level Up” tutorials and “Xplor eMagazine.” Level Up tutorials provide direct instruction in basic skills and Xplor presents short, engaging articles related to content. Teacher resources contain “Language Workshops” lessons for ELLs. Language Workshop provides lesson plans that address the specific needs of ELLs and are parallel in content to each anchor text lesson. Each Workshop lesson supports students in understanding the author’s language, learning new vocabulary, and unpacking the text’s meaning.
About Houghton Mifflin Harcourt*
HMH creates engaging, dynamic and effective educational content and experiences from early childhood to K-12 and beyond the classroom, serving more than 50 million students in more than 150 countries. Available through multiple media, our content meets the needs of students, teachers, parents and lifelong learners, no matter where and how they learn.
HMH’s renowned and awarded children’s books, novels, nonfiction, and reference titles are enjoyed by readers throughout the world. Our distinguished author list, from Ralph Waldo Emerson to Philip Roth, and brands from Curious George to The Lord of the Rings, includes 10 Nobel Prize winners, 48 Pulitzer Prize winners, 15 National Book Award winners, and more than 100 Caldecott, Newbery, Printz and Sibert Medal and Honor recipients.
Information in this section is provided by or adapted from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
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