Learning List has reviewed several of Glynlyon’s Odysseyware high school math products, including Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and the “Fundamentals” version of each course (e.g. Algebra I Fundamentals). Each product supports instruction in self-paced and credit-recovery programs and blended learning environments. [Read more…]
- Algebra I (TX Edition) is a year-long course that addresses the foundations of algebra, linear equations, functions, inequalities, linear systems, polynomials, exponential functions and radicals, and quadratic equations.
- Geometry (TX Edition) is a year-long course that addresses the foundations of geometry, logic, functions, angles and parallels, congruent triangles and quadrilaterals, similar polygons, circles, area and volume, coordinate geometry, transformations and trigonometry, and probability.
- Algebra II (TX Edition) is a year-long course that expands students’ understanding of quadratic and exponential functions, systems of equations, and inequalities. Instruction addresses logarithmic, square root, cubic, cube root, absolute value, rational, and inverse functions and their related equations. Students learn to connect functions to their inverses and associated equations and solutions in both mathematical and real-world situations. Data analysis and numeric and algebraic methods are also covered.
The Fundamentals versions of each course are designed to provide focused instruction. Each course contains extended review activities and fewer performance tasks and opportunities for project-based learning.
About Odysseyware*
Odysseyware takes the question of where students can learn out of the equation. With its fully HTML5 course library, students can learn anywhere, anytime, on any device, via a powerful Learning Management System delivering hundreds of multimedia-based courses. Students have access to CTE, Advanced Placement®, core and elective options, all aligned to national and state standards. They also have access to powerful supports including translations in 23 languages, vocabulary and reference libraries, text-to-speech, and immediate coaching for writing skills via the Writer Tool.
*Information in this section is provided by or adapted from Odysseyware.
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